What’s On


One person stands with their back to the camera and is visible from the mid back up. The person wears a baseball camp and over ear headphones. They glance to the left

Am I Helping?

An audio piece exploring the experience of service providers working with those experiencing homelessness

In the Spring of 2021, our cohort of artists conducted interviews with a variety of service providers who work with the homeless community in Hamilton. Drawing inspiration from their stories and words, artists collaborated to create an audio piece exploring their perspectives. Click below to listen.

Created by Karen Ancheta, Paula Grove, Rose Hopkins, Melissa Murray-Mutch, Carlyn Rhamey, Kit Simmons, Kelly Wolf, and Amber Wood.

Special thanks goes to Samm Floren, Edouard Jacinto, Rebecca Morris-Miller, Marcia McIlveen and the other service providers who wish to remain anonymous for providing their time to be interviewed.

Listen to Am I Helping? by clicking the play button below.