Through community collaboration, we create performances that connect and inspire.
We are forging new pathways in performance by challenging who gets to make theatre, where i t’s performed, and how audiences are invited to engage. We believe in the transformative power of creativity and collaboration, and envision a world where all stories are heard.
We work in three-year cycles
Year One
With the support of partner organizations, we bring together professional artists and community members to build relationships through art-making workshops.
Year Two
With the ensemble created in Year One, we develop and present a performance to an audience with opportunities for talk-backs and discussion.
Year Three
We work with partner organizations to establish legacy programming, ensuring there are ongoing art opportunities for the communities we engage with.

Our goal is to create meaningful relationships between artists, community participants, and audiences.
Mentorship and learning
As one of the only performance-focused community arts organizations in Hamilton, Open Heart is always looking for opportunities to share knowledge and contribute to the development of emerging artists, producers, and organizations in the city. We do this by:
Offer professional development workshops for artists interested in working collaboratively with community
Mentor emerging community-engaged arts workers by hiring Intern Producers and high school co-op students
Provide mentorship, fees, and resources to artists via our Artist-in-Residence Program
Consult with local organizations on best-practices for working in specific communities